The BEC stands corrected. I thought someone… someone… would advocate for Roger Fortson and I figured it would be the BLM folks, but I am wrong.
I received this from a keen observer of human action:
The Marxist activists will never use this case, because everyone, even pro-police conservatives, can agree that what happened was horrific and unnecessary. They don't want a situation where everyone agrees. They need a low-life criminal victim, and a false narrative that everyone can fight over. I guarantee this will disappear in a week.
He is correct.
BLM much prefers advocacy for felons, drug addicts and general low-life failures. They’d never stand with an independent-minded black man who chose to enlist in the US military. That just cannot happen for BLM.
“Pro-cop” advocates won’t touch this with a 10 foot pole: the deputy got everything wrong. The Okaloosa County sheriff is claiming “self defense” but that’s bogus on its surface.
“Pro-military” advocates won’t touch this because they’d be in conflict with “pro-cop” factions… in other words, themselves, and they don’t want to struggle with the internal conflicts that would accompany any honest assessment of the shooting.
“Pro-self defense/home defense” advocates won’t touch this because their prescriptions for personal safety failed Roger Fortson, who had every right to openly carry a gun within his home, as he opens his front door after being startled by a belligerent stranger banging on his door.
In fact, the very prescription of self-defense — namely, CARRY A GUN — is what got Roger Fortson killed by a cop.
No one will advocate for Roger Fortson
So add one more injustice to the tragedy of this serviceman’s death.
This case prompts hard questions for everyone and we lack the courage to ask, let alone answer, those questions.
We are a nation of cowards.
Addendum, about race …
Someone attached “White Supremacy” to his killing. My response: