Welcome New Subscribers!
A remarkable number of Conservatives have joined this community very recently. Please give a look at our Origin Statements...
The BEC serves the Conservative people of New Orleans, surrounding areas, and Southeast Louisiana as a hub of shared thought, values and priorities. As it continues to grow into what it will become, it will be not simply a place, but the place for like-minded people to discover one another, connect, learn about each other’s projects, and take collective action.
Because of the unintended consequence of social media, Conservative people have experienced damaging fracturing. There’s the folks on Facebook over there, on Instagram in this corner, on Twitter in the other. Many are not on social media at all, but others presume everyone is on social media, making for another disconnect. Some listen to Conservative views only through the radio, like Jeff Crouere’s work. And still others read The Advocate and never experience true Conservative media.
Groups have formed doing amazing work, but how can all of us learn about them? Does every member of the Home Defense Foundation know about the Bayou Mama Bears (and vice versa)? Indeed, so many people are doing great work, but again, there’s a fractured awareness about it: The BEC exists to repair this fracturing effect.
The Big Easy Conservative transcends all the other media: here is where everyone can come for the unified (and unifying) experience we all need. By utilizing Substack as we do, we bypass the clutter and become the single shared space for Conservatives throughout our region.
It is essential that every person of Conservative leaning joins The BEC.
The BEC is not a “blog” in any traditional sense. And it certainly is not a vanity project for your humble writer. This is a community! This is yours, not mine. This is about you, not me.
To be sure you know just what The BEC is all about, we invite you to look over our Origin Documents. So many of you have very recently subscribed, and because these statements were written weeks ago, they tend to get shoved by Substack to the “archived” section, or out of sight when you visit the page. So we’re presenting them below.
Thank you for giving them each a look… just click on the preview and you’ll be sent to the full piece…
One last thing: it’s essential to share the good news that The BEC is here to serve. Please mention us to your friends, share us with your family members, discuss us in your church and civic associations, let us know what we can publicize and promote for you…. Reach out through comments. BE IN TOUCH!