Louisiana Right to Life has asked all of us who value and defend the unborn to post this resource to our social media. Please spread the word….
FindHelpLA.com connects women with resources they need to make an informed and complete choice when faced with an unwanted pregnancy. Options exist to abortion, and despite the accusations made by pro-abortion Leftists, Conservatives do indeed care about women, babies, fathers, and families both before and after the birth of the child.
Consider what we’re up against, as just yesterday CNN ran a piece titled “The crisis pregnancy center next door: How taxpayer money intended for poor families is funding a growing anti-abortion movement,” with content like: “Some of the organizations that receive money have been accused of spreading abortion misinformation or using the funds to advocate anti-abortion causes instead of helping women… Abortion rights advocates say the intention is to mislead women.”
Additionally, Joe Biden is indicating his support for a federal abortion fund to cover costs associated with an abortion, including time away from work and travel.
The Dobbs decision has merely shifted the ground of this battle: we need to each do what we can.
Please share FindHelpLA.com across your social media pages. And let’s combat the lies of the abortionist Left. Thank you!