Prolific Twitter Users Lewis and Landry Avoid Any Comment on the Hamas Attacks On Israel
Davante Lewis and Mandie Landry are both closely tied to local Socialists
Never slow to rush to Twitter to offer comment on literally any topic, both Davante Lewis and State Representative Mandie Landry have made no statement condemning the Hamas executioners who murdered babies and kidnapped grandmothers, while gunning down teenagers dancing at a rave.
As of Monday morning, here are Lewis and Landry’s Twitter pages:
Also no condemnation by Lewis or Landry of the local Socialist support of Hamas, as the Socialists are rallying today at 5:30 in Duncan Plaza, in front of New Orleans City Hall:
Both Lewis and Landry are closely tied to the Socialists, whom Lewis refers to as “my comrades”:
The Democrat Party is the party of Socialists who would wipe Israel off the map.