The BEC makes a promise to its readers: To defend the good people of New Orleans from those who would do us harm.
How can these lofty and seemingly arrogant words be true?
The BEC is a community; it is not merely your humble writer. We are concerned people united by the truth of our values.
We know our ideas are better than the ideas of those who have turned this city into a battle zone.
Our ideas are better than the Leftist post-Modernist’s, the deconstructionist’s, the materialist’s. Better than the simple-minded politician’s. Better than the woke teacher’s, the BLM marcher’s, the equity advocate’s. Better than the abortion defender’s. Better than the cynic’s and the atheist’s.
Our ideas affirm the family and create stable and loving relationships; their ideas destroy family bonds and leave children wandering and alone.
Our ideas protect the lives of the unborn and recognize the value of human life at every stage of development, whether five minutes since conception or five minutes until natural death; their ideas “celebrate your abortion” and seek to codify into national law the culture of killing.
Our ideas uphold the dignity of the individual and the value of his or her work. We protect property rights, while the Leftist seeks to use the government’s monopoly of power to take property away from the citizens.
Our ideas trust people to make the choices that are best for them, choices about the education of their children, the source of the energy they use, the way they choose to protect themselves and their loved ones; their ideas impose restrictions on your natural freedoms.
Our ideas affirm your right to choose which vaccines you will take and which you will not take; their ideas mask your small children as a condition to eat as a family at a local restaurant.
Our ideas would put criminals in jail and keep them there, and hold everyone accountable for their actions, without excuses and rationalizations. They prefer you to be the cause of someone else’s criminal choices.
Their ideas create dependency, reward irresponsibility, coddle criminals, encourage the reality of missing fathers from the home, cause multi-generational anguish, make law-abiding people the villains, kill babies in the womb, overtax and overburden responsible hard-working citizens, and create an environment of crime while denying us the right to defend ourselves as we see fit. Their ideas have turned New Orleans into the “murder capital” of the United States.
The BEC has seen enough! And over time, by bringing like-minded people together, by organizing and strategizing, by educating ourselves, by sharing our experiences, by shining a light on the bad ideas that got us in this mess… with unceasing effort and constant determination, we will improve this city. We will make changes.
We can and we will return New Orleans to a more livable state of being.
We will encourage homeschooling. We will push for Constitutional carry rights. We will lift up and defend pregnancy crisis centers who serve women and young children. We will hold politicians accountable for their destructive policies. We will elect Conservative city council members and a Conservative mayor. We will push for fair laws and the just and firm application of those laws. We will work to expose corruption. We will affirm the dignity of the individual. We will encourage people to return to church or synagogue or mosque and bring God back into their hearts and homes.
We will show our love for this city and this region and its people by not surrendering it to the nasty forces of the Left.
This is who we are. This is our promise and commitment. This is why The Big Easy Conservative exists.
We are here, there are more of us than it seems, and we all have had enough!
Join us.
Vote conservative
The main fight should be getting conservative politicians running. We need a voice in our city government!