UPDATED: LSU Professor "Can't Wait" To Murder State Senator; Comm. Lewis Seems to Concur With the Murderous Threat
Vile threat of violence aimed at legislator; state's most prominent Democrat articulates no objection whatsoever
It’s not enough to fire LSU Sociology Professor Marcus Venable. Arrest him. Jail him.
Professor Venable left this voicemail for Senator Mike Fesi:
I just wanted to say 'Congratulations’ to our state senator Big Mike Fesi. That fucking moron voted to make things worse for people who are already suffering. You fat fucking piece of shit. You did not produce any goddamn evidence to support the claims you made about people being harmed by transgender care. Yet we have tons of empirical evidence … increased suicide risk when people don’t get this care. So you, you big fat headed motherfucker. I can’t wait to read your name in the fucking obituary. I will make a goddamned martini made from the tears of butt hurt conservatives when we put your fucking ass in the ground. You fat fucking useless piece of shit. Fuck you. I hope you have a terrible day. Go fuck yourself!
Mike Fesi voted to protect children from the predations of transgenderism. And Professor Venable is more than displeased, clearly.
Here is the filth threatening Senator Fesi with murder:
Here’s how Venable’s students rate him as a teacher:
NOTE: I’m being informed by Leftists on Twitter (defending Venable’s “free speech” that this evaluation calculation is a consequence of today’s entries by people who never took his course. If that’s true, I’ll submit these written evaluations as representative in the place of the chart above. The point? Same outcome:
State Representative Beryl Amedee, among others, is elevating this serious matter:
As is Gabe Firment, the author of the bill, who is the focus of incredible hate from the Leftists:
Not very anti-murder…
It’s all very much in the Twittersphere so of course the most prominent Democrat in the state, outside of the governor himself, is chiming in on this and let’s just say Davante’s statement is not very anti-murder; he offers no condemnation of threats of murder of a sitting state senator. He downright seems to agree…
Here was Lewis’ reaction to the override of the governor’s veto of Gabe Firment’s bill protecting children:
The Republicans, says he, “center hate and harm as their legacy.” Clearly, he’s an inspiration to the Marcus Venable-types.
It’s a small bit gratifying to see the Marxist “Commish” getting some push back:
For those of you who continue to doubt my reasons for being focused on that evil little Marxist… do you get it now? Do you finally get it?
Arrest the professor and bring Davante Lewis before the legislature….
OH WAIT! Commissioners on the PSC answer to literally nobody and there are no mechanisms of consequences for them if they do things like advocating murder of state senators!
Things will be changing at the Louisiana Public Service Commission - I promise you I will lead the charge - and it’s Mr Lewis himself who continually provides the justification. Today took my effort a long way… thanks Davante for showing us all your true colors.
Progressive Democrats are disgusting human beings. Not all… but damned near most think just like Venable and Lewis. Abort babies. Mutilate children. Pat criminals on the back. Curse the cops.
I’m proud of the Louisiana Legislature for defending children. And I’m disgusted with the likes of Venable and Lewis, two peas in the same nasty Progressive pod.
Reportedly, Venable was a graduate student at LSU with teaching duties. We can write “was” because he has been removed from the position. It seems the only consequence is only that: no longer a teaching assistant. He “will be allowed to continue” his studies.
He should be immediately expelled… then arrested… then jailed.
In a statement to WAFB, LSU officials said, “As a university, we foster open and respectful dialogue. Like everyone, graduate students with teaching assignments have the right to express their opinions, but this profanity-filled, threatening call crossed the line. This does not exhibit the character we expect of someone given the privilege of teaching as part of their graduate assistantship. The student will be allowed to continue their studies but will not be extended the opportunity to teach in the future.”
Keep telling 'em, and keep up your courage.