Democrat State Treasurer Candidate Dustin Granger Joins In the Mass Psychosis "Celebrating" the Disfiguring of Healthy Bodies
Like his buddy Davante Lewis, Granger's ideas are thin, as if derived from bumper stickers
Dustin Granger, predictably, is joining the lemming class today in affirming transgenderism, the mental illness that causes one to believe that cutting off healthy body parts creates a realignment between one’s feelings about gender and one’s physical expression of gender.
Granger took to Twitter today to broadcast to the people of Louisiana that he’s as uncritical and thoughtless as other Democrats in perpetuating mass mental illness:
Here at The BEC, we will not gloss over this crime against God and humanity. This is what Dustin Granger stands in solidarity with:
Transgenderism is a mental illness and is nothing to be “in solidarity” with. As it damages generations of young people, denying them a healthy understanding of their bodies and the culture around them, Granger should be speaking out against it, not speaking in support of it.
We have grown collectively insane, and the thoughtlessly evil among us - like Granger - seek to spread that insanity throughout our state. He must be denied that opportunity come election day.