If limited to only one word, the best descriptor of transgenderism is “insidious.”
Are young people entrapped and beguiled by it? Yes.
Are the philosophies that undergird transgenderism stealthily introduced to young people by treacherous and deceitful people? Yes.
Are those promoting transgenderism characterizing it as harmless, indeed a health benefit to young people, yet it actually comes “with grave effect”? Yes.
There is no more damaging and insane (and insanity-causing) force in our society active today than transgenderism, an abject evil.
While moving through the social media this morning, I discovered the description of transgenderism below and I’m so impressed by it that I want to share it with all of you. Though I likely would disagree with this gentleman about many things, he is spot-on regarding transgenderism. A Canadian Leftist atheist, he calls himself “The Heretical Liberal.”
The most insidious thing about gender ideology is how pretty much everything it claims to do is actually the opposite of what it actually does.
They claim to be subverting gender norms when they actually rigidly enforce them. They claim to be part of gay and women's rights movements when they've framed the debate in such a way that trans "rights" (which are actually privileges) can come only at the EXPENSE of those movements. And perhaps worst of all, they claim that "gender affirming care" (which is neither affirming nor caring) can treat the made-up condition of "being born in the wrong body" when it actually CREATES that exact situation.
The increasing number of people coming out as detransitioners get most of the attention right now, but there's also an entire cohort of people who feel stuck in their bodies but CAN'T detransition because they've done irreversible damage to their bodies to the point where they have nothing left to detransition into.
Barely into their 20's now, and with the euphoric mania of transitioning long gone, this group is doomed to live the rest of their lives ACTUALLY trapped in the wrong body, but this time there is no escape.
The "affirmative care" treatment model pathologizes regular teenage angst, tells kids the lie that they're "trapped in the wrong body" (a faith-based statement analogous to a belief that "gender" is a secular version of the “soul”) and actually CREATES the condition that it claims to treat.
People are gonna look back on these days in the very near future and wonder how the f**k we let a small group of the goofiest weirdos in society sacrifice an entire generation of kids on the altar of their homophobic, misogynistic ideology.
I cannot believe that this young woman - presumably standing beside her mother? - will still be smiling in only a handful of years, years of constant visits to the doctor, of tragic disasters in relationships… of profound regret that she got duped into a fad with irreversible consequences.

Along with the other forces of evil smothering our society right now, transgenderism targets children in the most devilish of ways.
Pray this scourge ends, and soon.
The pic of the young female next to her mother is really sad. Look at the cut marks on the arms, likely self-inflicted. The poor dear is not mentally well.
I've been a treating adult patients with gender dysphoria for 3 years as a medical provider, and prior to that for over a decade in other medical professional roles. I can tall you with first hand experience that the train is definitely off the rails in regards to gender affirming care. I'm happy to speak about this publicly, because I am so worried about these patients. Our healthcare system should be ashamed of itself... throwing meds and surgeries at a patient instead of offering compassionate but honest psychological guidance and empowerment.